Mobile Zoo comes to GYC!

Young carers had the rare opportunity to look at and handle exotic creatures at our Twigworth offices.

In July, a small group were given the chance to meet some unique and special animals finding out all kinds of interesting facts about them.  They were excited to meet snakes, chinchillas, giant toads, giant rabbits, a baby tortoise and even a skunk. John, from Animal-mania, taught the young carers all about the different creatures and answered the many questions they had! He also made sure they were safely able to touch and handle them.

Despite some initial nerves, they all had a turn handling the animals and showed real bravery to overcome their fears.  Comments from the young carers included –

“It didn’t feel like anything I expected!”

“I was scared at first because I thought he had big claws but once he was on my lap, I realised he was just cute and fluffy!”

At GYC we try to ensure that young carers have access to positive experiences such as this, as they often lack the same opportunities as their peers to have days out and fun activities. 

Scott Bailey-Locke, Social Prescriber, who organised the session described the impact on the young carers who attended “It was really great to see all of the children enjoying themselves and getting hands-on with all the animals. For some of these children, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience so to see them all with such a big smile on their face is amazing. A massive thank you to Animal-mania who gave an incredible experience and a memory that will last with these young carers for a long time!”