About us

Gloucestershire Young Carers is a dynamic charity constantly growing and developing to meet the ever-changing needs of young carers in the county.

Our impact in 2022

A Look Back Through Time

2022 – We continue to innovate – 2 new pilot projects – KidsTime workshop for young carers and their families impacted by mental ill health. – Social Prescribing for young carers impacted by ACE’s.

2022 – Twilight Conference is delivered online, including a video of our Pandemic Journey so far.

2020 – Services move rapidly to delivery on-line in response to the Coronavirus pandemic.
2020 – GYC is instrumental in setting up Young Carers National Voice in partnership with Sheffield Young Carers.
2020 – Young carers present at the international conference ‘It Takes a Village’ in Norway2020 – Services move rapidly to delivery on-line in response to the Coronavirus pandemic
2019 – In coproduction with young carers, GYC wins the Children and Young People Now Youth Volunteering and Social Action Award.
2019 – GYC wins the contract with Gloucestershire County Council and Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group to deliver services to young carers and young adult carers across Gloucestershire.
2018 – 25 years of working with and for young carers is celebrated.
2017 – Chapter published in Parental Mental Health and Child Welfare Work Vol 2 (Pavilion) sharing learning from InterAct: a whole family approach to improving outcomes for children of parents with a mental illness.
2017 – GYC are Children & Young People Now Award finalist.
2016 – The GCC/NHS carers’ services contract is rolled over for another two years.
2015 – GYC are Children & Young People Now Award finalist.
2015 – Regional Winner of the Lloyds Bank Foundation Award for Enterprise and Collaboration.
2014 – GYC is awarded overall winner of the GSK/Kings Fund Impact Award
2013 – A 3 year contract from GCC and NHS is awarded to provide carers’ services in partnership with Carers Gloucestershire.
2011 – GYC celebrates our 18th birthday with young carers events
2010 – A Winston Churchill Travel Fellowship is awarded to learn from the Australian model of supporting children of parents with a mental illness.
2010 – Specialist services are established for young carers living with a family member who experiences problematic use of substances.
2010 – A whole family approach is adopted – keeping the young carer in focus.
2008 – Young carers from Gloucestershire inform and influence the National Carers Strategy: Carers at the heart of 21st Century Families.
2007 – Members of the Forum join the National Young Carers Forum
2003 – ‘Our Voice’ Gloucestershire Young Carers Young Carers Forum is set up
2002 – Gloucestershire Young Carers is awarded Charitable Status
2000 – Specialist services are established for young carers living with a family member with mental ill health
1997 – A lottery bid is successful funding work with children under 12.
1997 – GYC becomes an ‘Independent Company Limited by Guarantee’.
1994 – Young carers input and influence the Carers Recognition Act 1995.
1994 – First group is set up in a cafe in Stroud with 5 young carers.
1993 – Office is established with adult carers in Gloucester
1993 – Young carer’s Project Development worker Helen Predgen-Lay is appointed.
1992 – A countywide multi-agency steering group is set up and successfully bids for funding

Innovation and Specialism

The intelligence and expertise… around reaching and supporting particularly hard to reach families… continues to be shared and inform national good practice. They (GYC) are considered to be a leading and influential young carers’ service across England.

National Young Carers’ Lead, Children’s Society, 2018