Who is a young carer?

Young carers are children and young people under the age of 18 who provide regular or ongoing care and/or emotional support to a family member.  They may be involved in the care of an adult or child in their family affected by one or more of the following:

  • a physical disability or sensory impairment
  • a long term illness
  • mental ill health
  • problematic substance misuse
  • a learning disability

The term Young Adult Carer is used for young people aged 16 to 24 taking on similar responsibilities.

Young carers and young adult carers become vulnerable when the level of care giving and responsibility to the person in need of care becomes excessive or inappropriate for that young person, risking impacting on his or her emotional or physical well-being or educational achievement and life chances.

Facts and Figures

  • It is estimated that there are 7000 young carers in Gloucestershire
  • Research indicates that 1:12 young people in UK secondary schools are either impacted by family ill health or carry a caring responsibility
  • The average age of young carers is 12 years

Case Studies

Pip & Cait’s Story

Red’s Story