Annie Lapington – Community Ambassador Volunteer

We are delighted to have our first Community Ambassador out and about spreading the word about GYC to community groups across the county. Annie shares with us her experience of the first talk to a local Women’s Institute group…

“My first trip out as Community Ambassador for Young Carers I will not deny was quite nerve wracking. However, the wonderful group of women at Dursley WI soon made me feel welcome and at my ease. There was a moment when I thought that I couldn’t connect to the internet for the PowerPoint presentation.  I desperately tried to think of a way of speaking without the slides but thankfully all was resolved in time and the presentation went smoothly. The reaction of the group to the work that Young Carers provide was very positive and I felt that my presentation gave a great insight into the challenges that many young carers face but also their strengths and how GYC supports them.

The things that I learnt from my first effort was be calm, the group have invited you here so they are keen to listen to what you have to say, and always check on google maps where you are going!”


“Well done, Annie, we are so grateful for the time you are giving to help make a difference in the lives of young carers by raising awareness through your talks to encourage support for GYC.  Sue – Volunteer Co-ordinator.”

If you would like to find out more about the Community Ambassador volunteer role, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator Sue by emailing or find out more on our website volunteer page here