Our Latest News

Two schools awarded Young Carers Accreditation!

We were delighted to present two Gloucestershire schools their plaque and certificate to mark their achievement of the GHLL Young Carers Accreditation, an award for schools demonstrating best practice in...
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Swimming 30k for GYC!

GYC’s Hana Gill is taking on the challenge of swimming 30k to raise funds for the charity.  GYC’s 30 for 30 campaign is a fundraising idea to suit anyone. Want...
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A jam-packed sports day was held at The Pavilion during the summer holidays.

Fortunately, the weather held out and it was a beautifully sunny and warm day. The young carers were split up into 4 groups to begin with and rotated across various...
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Mobile Zoo comes to GYC!

Young carers had the rare opportunity to look at and handle exotic creatures at our Twigworth offices. In July, a small group were given the chance to meet some unique...
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With Juliet’s help our young carers enjoy reading a book.

Thanks to Juliet Stainforth we have created a library of books for our young carers to access.  Juliet has many contacts in the world of publishing, she has sourced lots...
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