Crafty Christmas for Young Carers

Development Manager Hana Gill talks to Project Worker Lin Powell about our crafty plans for young carers this Christmas.

What is happening Lin?

On Sunday 6th December young carers have been invited to take part in a Christmas craft session on Zoom, where they will can get involved in making their own baubles, fairy light jars, festive scratch art and candlelight fun!

Why did you decide to have a craft session for a virtual Christmas event in 2020? 

Last year we held a crafty day at the Pavillion in Cheltenham which was a hit with the young carers. Creativity is good for the soul and your mental health and the best thing is you get to keep whatever you make! We have been doing a lot of crafts in our online zoom sessions and they are popular. It also means that we can send the children the craft materials which is an exciting thing to arrive in the post.

How do you think the young carers will benefit from having packs of craft materials sent to them in the post?  

Wow, everyone likes to get something through the post. It’s like getting an early Christmas present. Also the children will get the same things which will help to unify the group, they can share and compare ideas.

What has been the biggest challenge of online service delivery? 

Keeping things exciting and fun online is a challenge and coming up with new ideas that will work online.  For the Christmas Craft the most difficult thing is making sure that we have enough activity packs for the right people. We can’t physically go shopping for some things which at the moment is tricky and some of it we purchase online, which is  also difficult at the moment as the postal system is on the go slow!   We know it will be worth it when we are all sitting down together making Christmassy things on Dec 6th!  We are really looking forward to resuming face to face groups in 2021 as soon as we are able…