Fundraising Young Carers

We are pleased to share how three of our young adult carers have been using the lockdown to fund raise for Gloucestershire Young Carers. Between them, these three inspirational young people have raised over 600 pounds to help Gloucestershire Young Carers!   We are very proud of their efforts and grateful for their support.

Pip Williams

Pip Williams, 20, spent a whole 48hrs without uttering a single word during her sponsored silence last week.

‘During this pandemic, people have been forced to find other ways of communicating with friends and loved ones .Many  people are completely alone, with no family or friends all. This challenge is going to help me to understand what this feels like’  says Pip.

‘Gloucestershire Young Carers, as they have played such a massive part in my life and still do. Despite the crazy times at the moment, they are still continuing to reach out and provide support to myself and other young carers across the county!

To read more or donate, click here to visit Pips’ crowdfunding page.

Pip (in orange) and her sister Caitlin

Kerry Mann

Young Adult Carer, Kerry Mann,  has also used Lockdown to try new things  Her challenge was  to complete 26 ‘lockdown activities’ and film them.  So far she has hosted quizzes, baked cakes, tried origami and cycled 26 miles.  Her challenge is still ongoing! The money she raises will go to three charities that are important to her, Maggies, Sue Ryder and Gloucestershire Young Carers.

To read more or donate, click here to visit Kerrys’ Virgin Money Giving page.

Harry Doxsey

Last month, young carer and long standing forum member Harry Doxsey decided to shave his head to raise money for GYC – he ended up doing it on his 18th Birthday!  We are sorry that Harry had to spend his birthday on lockdown at home and not have the chance to go out to celebrate– but are really happy that he did something to support the charity!

To read more or donate, click here to visit Harrys’ Just Giving page.