Mandy Bell, Development Lead, retires after 25 years at GYC

Mandy has worn many hats at GYC originally joining the charity to develop services for young carers aged 8 – 11. From this work, Mandy recognised the challenges young carers caring for someone with mental ill health face and over the years has developed a range of innovative and ground-breaking services that have made a huge difference to the lives of young carers in Gloucestershire and been acclaimed nationally and internationally – Us Too, Interact, Children and Parent days, a number of resources such as ‘Minds, Myths and Me’ and recently Kidstime.

A further innovation was extending these services to support young carers impacted by parental substance misuse, in particular the ‘Mosquito Mission’ a group of young carers who have made a huge impact in training professionals how best to support young carers winning the Children and Young People Now Award for Young Peoples Participation. The following quote inspired the group’s name:

‘If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.’ Dalai Lama

Mandy’s role within the Leadership Team of GYC has seen the organisation grow in strength culminating in securing investment through the Paul Hamlyn Foundation Youth Strategic Investment Fund, setting the charity on a secure path for the future.

‘Mandy has bought innovation, creativity and a high standard of service delivery and leadership over 25 years. It would be hard to overstate her contribution to young carers and GYC. She will be greatly missed but has left a great legacy. But perhaps most of all we will remember the laughter, fun and passion that Mandy bought to the team.’ – Ele Semadeni, Operations Manager