Our Resources

Minds, Myths and Me

A booklet designed by young carers to help young carers understand more about mental illness in the family. Contact us for details on how to obtain your copy. Free to young carers in Gloucestershire. 

Safe, Sorted and Supported

Safe Sorted Supported_Low Res

A child friendly booklet for any family who may need to develop a crisis plan for their children, available from Gloucestershire Young Carers.

Parents, Pints and Pills

Parents, Pints and Pills booklet

 A booklet designed by young carers for young people who live with someone with a drug or alcohol problem.  Contact us for details on how obtain your copy.

We Care, We Cook


 A recipe book designed by young carers with Gloucestershire NHS, full of favourite recipes and even a few tips from some celebrities.

GYC Posters

Posters which can be used to raise awareness of young carers’ issues in companies, organisations, schools or doctor’s surgeries.

GYC Diary Poster
Schools Awareness Raising Poster

GYC Leaflets

Gloucestershire Young Carers

Gloucestershire Young Carers general leaflet explaining more about Gloucestershire Young Carers and its services.

Moving Up To Secondary School

Moving Up To Secondary School Leaflet designed for young carers and their families.

 Aware You Care postcard

Aware You Care Postcard

Aware You Care Postcard for use by teachers in engaging with young carers.