Support Us

We provide a network of support, opportunities for a young carer to enjoy their childhood and meet with peers in similar situations to themselves. Gloucestershire Young Carers supports young carers in reaching their potential, enabling them and their families to access support that minimises the physical and emotional impact of caring and that promotes health, well-being and resilience.
To continue the work we do we need your support and there are many ways you can help.
You can see all the ways in which you can help in this leaflet or click on one of the pages below.  Download our fundraising leaflet

Remember from Friday 25th May 2018 new GDPR regulations mean you have to ‘opt in’ to receive communications from us. Please visit:

Click on the arrows below to read more.

Be a Donor:

We need you to support our work, to support the ‘young’ in young carer.
It is easy to make a donation by clicking on the button below, by calling our office on 01452 733060 to donate directly.

Donate Now    

Become a Friend:

One of the best ways to keep up to date on the work of our charity, hear about our achievements and meet the young carers themselves is to sign up to become a ‘Friend of Gloucestershire Young Carers’. Agree to give just £20 a year (or more) and we’ll add you to our growing list of regular givers who are supporting our charity financially.
You’ll be invited to all of our events, be kept up to date on our charity’s work, be given the opportunity to meet with our team and receive a regular newsletter which is put together by our young carers’ newsletter team.

Be a Corporate Supporter:

We have been working with companies in Gloucestershire for many years now and we pride ourselves on the partnerships we develop.
Some of our corporate friends like Midcounties Co-operative and Idemia (formerly Oberthur Technology) have been supporting us for a few years.
Supporting our charity is not just about raising money to keep our support services going but it is about raising awareness among company staff of what a young carer is and the impact that having illness and disability in the family can have on a child.
Illness has no boundaries and any one of us might find our family facing a health crisis. Our charity supports all young carers – no matter what their background is. So we think it is essential that every company in Gloucestershire is aware of our services.
Do one of the following:
• Promote our cause to your staff
• Choose Gloucestershire Young Carers for your Payroll giving scheme
• Organise a fundraising event
• Offer skills or ‘in kind’ donations to support the day to day running of our charity.  Supporting a charity like ours can have so many benefits.  It can add to your corporate social responsibility bank
• It can increase staff morale
• It can increase customer loyalty
• It can provide a wide range of marketing and PR opportunities
We would like to discuss with you how we can plan and implement a campaign that will help us and help your company.
Call us on 014527 33060 today

Be a Community Supporter:

Like many charities, we need funding to keep our vital services going. But we also need support from community groups in a range of other ways too.
Our Volunteer Manager has a raft of roles that need to be filled and we know you can help.
If you would like to help with some of our events or fundraising activities then please talk to our team and she will support you every step of the way.
• We can come and talk to your community group about what life is like to be a young carer and the support our charity provides for more than 1000 young people in the county
• We can arrange for your group to get involved with one of our young carer groups
• We can provide your group with several ways in which you can fundraise and donate
• Many of our young carers would be happy to help you with your event and, time allowing, even pop along to meet you
If you run a sports or activity group then we would be delighted to hear from you as we are always looking for new activities to run for the young people we support. An hour or so away from their challenges at home is often a welcome break.

Call our office today: 01452 733060

Be a Volunteer:

We depend upon our volunteers to help us to reach as many young carers as possible. If you are interested in volunteering then we have a wide range of roles available.

• Direct work with young carers in groups
• Administrative support
• Events organisation and support
• Marketing support
• Fundraising support
• Support in the community

Explore the opportunities available for volunteering