Swimming 30k for GYC!

GYC’s Hana Gill is taking on the challenge of swimming 30k to raise funds for the charity.  GYC’s 30 for 30 campaign is a fundraising idea to suit anyone. Want to bake 30 cakes? Do 30 minutes of walking for 30 days? Go 30 days without social media? Our goal is to collectively raise £30,000 to support the charity in its 30th Anniversary year.  We would love people to get involved – whether you raise £3 or £30 or £300 pounds – it will all help to support young carers!

We asked Hana Gill, Development Manger (Education & Participation) about her idea…

I was keen to think of something that would be a challenge and also good for my health and wellbeing!   I love swimming – especially in wild places such as lakes so what better idea than to combine this with raising money for GYC. So I have challenged myself to swim 30k – but not all in one go! I am hoping I will complete the challenge in a few months.  Just to add a bit of interest and variety I am going to try and attempt to find 30 different locations to swim in!  Some (such as the local river Frome) I might only do a few metres in whilst others (such as Stratford Park Lido) I will revisit to get the distance covered.  The context of this is I have never learnt to swim front crawl so I am not very fast in the water – but slowly and steadily I hope to reach my target!

How are you getting on?

I’ve made a start but have a long way to go – I am 3 kilometres into my target and have swum in four different locations.  My favourite swim yet was a dip in the lake at the foot of Pen Y Fan in Wales (pictured)– pretty chilly but most exhilarating and I soon warmed up climbing the peak afterwards!

We are encouraging GYCs wonderful supporters to take on a 30 for 30 challenge or activity of their own.   Big or small – we would love to hear what you are planning to do.  Call us for a chat on 01452 733060 or email mail@glosyoungcarers.org.uk.

If anyone would like to sponsor Hana you can through the link here: Hana Gill is fundraising for Gloucestershire Young Carers Project (justgiving.com)