Volunteers Week 1 – 7 June 2023 – Time to say a great big thank you to our volunteers.

We are very lucky to have many incredible volunteers to call upon to support the work of Gloucestershire Young Carers.  From volunteers who sit on our board of trustees, the knowledge, expertise, and experience that the trustees bring to the GYC is invaluable enabling the staff team to deliver support effectively and safely to young carers across the county. 

Volunteers who support our lead workers by assisting and interacting with young carers during their weekly group and at events organised for young carers. Helping to support the ‘young’ in young carer.  Volunteer drivers who give up their time to transport young carers ensuring they do not miss out on activities.  And to our newly appointed Community Ambassador helping to raise the awareness of GYC.

Sending a great big thank you to all our amazing volunteers, you are a very important part of the team at Gloucestershire Young Carers.  I hope you realise how grateful everyone is for giving us your most valuable asset – your gift of time.  Your support allows us to continue to grow and developing to meet the ever-changing needs of young carers in the county.

Sue Auld
Volunteer Coordinator

If you would like to volunteer for Gloucestershire Young Carers or just have a question, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch by emailing mail@glosyoungcarers.org.uk or call and speak to Sue Auld on 01452 733060.